
Monthly BABCSD Networking Mixer

Venue: California English
9276 Scranton Rd, San Diego, CA 92121

Calling all British business professionals and those who do business with, to and from the United Kingdom. Join us for our monthly meeting and network with your peers. Open to Members and non-members, this is your chance to make connections in a relaxed atmosphere.


  • Next Mixer: Tuesday, 10 September, 2024

Race Day at Del Mar Racetrack

Friday, September 6th, 2024 2.00pm
Del Mar Race track

Join us where the surf meets the turf at Del Mar‘s iconic race track. BABCSD will be hosting a race party event. This is your chance to mix and mingle with like-minded business professionals in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying the best thoroughbreds in the world, San Diego style.


Panel Discussion on Currency Transfer, Tax Planning, UK Pensions, Immigration, and Banking

Date: 08 October 2024

Venue: California English 9276 Scranton Rd, San Diego, CA 92121

No matter if you have lived here for decades, or for just a couple of years, one thing is for certain, the rules, the laws, the trends, and the economic climate change year after year. We have assembled a team of experts to appear in a panel and answer all your questions about tax planning, immigration status, and current and future finances. Also how to navigate immigration laws, establish your credit history, and understand the taxation system And finally, not to forget about your UK pension!


Christmas Luncheon

Thursday, 05 December 2024
Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel

Christmas in the United Kingdom is a time of joy, merriment, and cherished traditions that have been passed down through generations. Join BABCSD as we bring a “Bit of British” to San Diego: Turkey, Stuffing and all the Trimmings. Crackers and Silly Hats.


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British Airways Double Daily Celebration

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 San Diego


In mid-April, British Airways will increase its nonstop service by adding a second daily flight between San Diego International Airport and London Heathrow Airport.

To celebrate this event, British Airways and the San Diego Airport Authority will be hosting a launch party in San Diego. Please join BABCSD for hors d’oeuvres and remarks on April 25 to learn more about British Airways’ investment in San Diego and celebrate this historic milestone.